Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ouch! Know Mercy pounded by ringer-laden Victory Club

It was, I'm certain, the most lop-sided defeat in Know Mercy history. Victory Club dropped a 21-1 mercy defeat on the team Wednesday, but we really weren't as bad as the score would indicate.

We made some errors, but not really all that many. We walked a couple batters, but only a couple. But when a team of ringers hits line drive base hit after line drive base hit, there's really not a lot we can do.

Offensively, we didn't show much. But batting only once in three innings, we didn't get too many opportunities to shake off the rust, either. We also were missing our most potent offensive weapons.

But a Victory Club player announced they dispatched the first-game opponent in just 39 minutes, so it appears they're going to take joy in mercying their way through the league. Have fun, guys.

Which is not to say there were no highlights:

Hannah Ulerich made her Know Mercy debut! Hannah's a player, and I know she's going to shine in the coming weeks.

Venta Norris made a nifty stop of a hard-hit ball to right.

Steve Korb and Melissa Ferens are a potent combo up the middle.

OK, now shake it off!

I'm declaring next week Schnitz Ada Grille Opening Day 2.0 We're playing the team we played in the first game, I'll have the bunting out again and, best of all, Casey informs that we will have our sweet new uniforms! Far as I'm concerned, these first two games were practice and the season starts on Wednesday!

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