Sunday, July 19, 2009

Know Mercy 1 gets playoff win with heavy hearts

It was a bitter sweet victory for Know Mercy 1 last night as we mercied St. Matthews Monsters with a final of 13-3 in 5 innings, but played with heavy hearts.

Here is a breakdown to re-live our solid win.

Jo brought her usual big bat for a couple of solid hits and scored twice. Not much came her way on the fleld but she was ready as usual, even though missing her awesome backup Steve Korb.

Jill -Got a little flustered after missing a tough pop up to right but used her good eye to get on base after that. We were a little bummed though with a somewhat normal uniform from her :(

Tina - Had some very solid hits. Even though she didn't get on base, she was able to get two RBI's to help us pad our lead. We will take those any day!

JJ - Scored early in the game to help us in the 2nd inning and give us a commanding lead. As always she covered 2nd great and we were SO grateful to have her and Steve fill in for us. We loved having you!

Steve - Wow, I would've thought this guy has been playing all year! He covered left field like it was going out of style getting many outs for us on D. He also rocked it at the plate with two runs for us. We hope you didn't pull anything and can fill in this week too. Let us know!

Viggy - Man were those some hits!! He had some huge hits to right field and got on base every time but was only able to score once. Sorry :( Only had a couple plays at first but got the runner out everytime!

Brian - Oh Brian, I think you took 5 years off my life with the pickle you got in between 3rd and home. On a positive note though, you made it home in one of the only successful pickles I have ever seen. He also scored twice. You also had a great catch in the outfield.

Bo - Another great game pitching. I know you like fielding better, but we all really appreciate you pitching this season. Did a great job on the mound once again. Had a couple of hits too to score twice!

Todd- Once again didn't come home without a bruise or two :) His hitting has come around for two solid hits and scoring twice thanks to some great dives/slides to make sure he was safe!


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