Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Softball season is closer than the weather would have you think

Can you believe that softball season is almost here! Let the fun and fellowship begin.

First things first. We need you to pay ASAP to keep your spot on the team, and our spot in the league.

In the past, Trinity paid right away and the individuals paid them back. Unfortunately, there was a shortfall last year and Trinity can't afford for that to happen again. Please send your money in this week to Trinity. Make checks payable to Trinity Luthern and put a note in that it is for softball and who it is for.

Please e-mail me right away if you are unable to pay this week or no longer interested in playing. The price this year is $55 per person, and we will give money back if that turns out to be an over-charge, based on the league fees divided by the number of players.

For jerseys this year you can either wear on old one from previous years, or an orange or white shirt. Easy enough :)

Also, we will be playing on Wednesday nights again and will have two teams. We won't know how teams will be split until practices start and we see where people can play and who has signed up.

We will be playing at Ada Park again. Also, we will start practices in the next couple of weeks depending on weather, most likely on Sunday again at Ada Park.

START RECRUITING! Do you know a female interested in playing? We need a few more, preferrably three. We would like them to be part of Trinity but that is not mandatory. If they are interested in playing softball and having fun, they can join! Please let Nikki or Dave know if you know someone.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Here are the people who are interested:

Rob and Niki Ferguson
Steven Kutz
Mike Light
Rachel and Chad Zollman
Brian Vigna
Nick Rodammer
Bo and Tina Schmitz
Brian Cunningham
Rob and Cindy Mirque
Jamie Norris
Bill Bush
Jo Weinman
Jen Yoder
Jill Bracken
Steve Korb
John Hall
Steve Cairns
Mike Gillis
Casey Munger
Aaron Dunham
Dave Murray
Todd and Nikki Weber

I think that is everything!

We're so excited to have you on board this year. Here's to a great season!

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